Wednesday, 30 October 2013

PS_03_Perl - Basic_I/O_&_Operators

Basic I/O
The easiest means to get operator input to your program is using the “diamond” operator:
$input = <>;
The input from the diamond operator includes a newline (\n). To get rid of this pesky character, use either chop() or chomp(). chop() removes the last character of the string, while chomp() removes any line-ending characters (defined in the special variable $/). If no argument is given, these functions operate on the $_ variable. To do the converse, simply use Perl’s print function:
print $output.”\n”;

Basic Operators
Example Name Result
$a + $b Addition Sum of $a and $b
$a * $b Multiplication Product of $a and $b
$a % $b Modulus Remainder of $a divided by $b
$a ** $b Exponentiation $a to the power of $b

Example Name Result
$a . “string” Concatenation String built from pieces
$a string” Interpolation String incorporating the value of $a
$a x $b Repeat String in which $a is repeated $b times

The basic assignment operator is “=”: $a = $b.
Perl conforms to the C idiom that lvalue operator= expression is evaluated as: lvalue = lvalue operator expression
So that $a *= $b is equivalent to $a = $a * $b
$a += $b $a = $a + $b
This also works for the string concatenation operator: $a .= “\n”

Autoincrement and Autodecrement
The autoincrement and autodecrement operators are special cases of the assignment operators, which add or subtract 1 from the value of a variable:
++$a, $a++ Autoincrement Add 1 to $a
--$a, $a-- Autodecrement Subtract 1 from $a

Conditions for truth: Any string is true except for “” and “0” Any number is true except for 0 Any reference is true Any undefined value is false
Example Name Result
$a && $b And True if both $a and $b are true
$a || $b Or $a if $a is true; $b otherwise
!$a Not True if $a is not true
$a and $b And True if both $a and $b are true
$a or $b Or $a if $a is true; $b otherwise
not $a Not True if $a is not true
Logical operators are often used to “short circuit” expressions, as in:
open(FILE,”< input.dat”) or die “Can’t open file”;

Comparison Numeric String Result
Equal == eq True if $a equal to $b
Not equal != ne True if $a not equal to $b
Less than < lt True if $a less than $b
Greater than > gt True if $a greater than $b
Less than or equal <= le True if $a not greater than $b
Comparison <=> cmp 0 if $a and $b equal
1 if $a greater
-1 if $b greater

Operator Precedence
Perl operators have the following precedence, listed from the highest to the lowest, where operators at the same precedence level resolve according to associativity:
Associativity Operators Description
Left Terms and
list operators
Left -> Infix dereference operator
! ~
+ -
Reference to an object (unary)
Unary negation, bitwise complement
Unary plus, minus
Binds scalar to a match pattern
Same, but negates the result
Left * / % x Multiplication, Division, Modulo, Repeat
Left + - . Addition, Subtraction, Concatenation
Left >> << Bitwise shift right, left
< > <= >=
lt gt le ge
Numerical relational operators
String relational operators
== != <=>
eq ne cmp
Numerical comparison operators
String comparison operators
Left & Bitwise AND
Left | ^ Bitwise OR, Exclusive OR
Left && Logical AND
Left || Logical OR
.. In scalar context, range operator
In array context, enumeration
Right ?: Conditional (if ? then : else) operator
Right = += -= etc Assignment operators
Left ,
Comma operator, also list element
Same, enforces left operand to be string
Right not Low precedence logical NOT
Right and Low precedence logical AND
Right or xor Low precedence logical OR
Parentheses can be used to group an expression into a term. A list consists of expressions, variables, or lists, separated by commas. An array variable or an array slice many always be used instead of a list.

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