At and Batch:
at and batch read
commands from standard input or a specified file which are to be
executed at a later time, using sh.batch executes commands when
system load levels permit; in other words, when the load average
drops below 1.5, or the value specified in the invocation of atd.
Linux At Command:
The Linux “at” command also can be used for
scheduling jobs. But using Linux “at” command, you can set the
job run only once. The “at” jobs are spooled in the
“/var/spool/at” directory and run at the specified time.
The “at” daemon can be used to run a command or
script of your choice. From the command line, you can run the “at”
time command to start a job to be run at a specified time. That time
can be now; in a specified number of minutes, hours, or days; or at
the time of your choice.
To schedule a one-time job at a specific time, type
the command at time, where time is the time to execute the command.
The Linux at command argument time can be one of the
• HH:MM format — For example, 04:00 specifies
4:00AM. If the time is already past, it is executed at the specified
time the next day.
• midnight — Specifies 12:00AM.
• noon — Specifies 12:00PM.
• teatime — Specifies 4:00PM.
• month-name day year format — For example,
January 15 2002 specifies the 15th day of January in the year 2002.
The year is optional.
• MMDDYY, MM/DD/YY, or MM.DD.YY formats — For
example, 011502 for the 15th day of January in the year 2002.
• now + time — time is in minutes, hours, days,
or weeks. For example, now + 5 days specifies that the command should
be executed at the same time in five days.
Linux at command examples
Command Example
at now + 10 minutes
Associated jobs will start in 10 minutes.
at now + 2 hours
Associated jobs will start in 2 hours.
at now + 1 day
Associated jobs will start in 1 day (24 hours).
at now + 1 week
Associated jobs will start in 7 days.
at teatime
Associated jobs will start at 4:00 P.M.
at 3:00 6/13/07
Associated jobs will start on June 13, 2007, at
3:00 A.M.
1. One-off job schedulers
2. 'at' runs based on time schedule
3. 'batch' runs based on
system-utilization stats
1. Use 'at' to run jobs
a. 'at 15:58'
b. 'at -f at.job.1 16:02'
c. 'at now + 1 day' - runs job 1-day
from now (time submitted to job-queue)
Linux Batch Command:
Use 'batch' to run jobs
a. 'batch' - supply instructions on
Note: 'batch' accepts no command line
Note: 'at'runs the jobs on behalf of
Note: 'batch' is simply a special
invocation of 'at'
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