Monday 23 December 2013

PS_06_Perl - Associative Arrays (Hashes)

Associative Arrays (Hashes)

A hash (or associative array) is an unordered set of key/value pairs whose elements are indexed by their keys. Hash variable names have the form %foo.

Hash Variables and Literals
A literal representation of a hash is a list with an even number of elements (key/value pairs, remember?).
%foo = qw( fred wilma barney betty );
%foo = @foolist;

To add individual elements to a hash, all you have to do is set them individually:
$foo{fred} = “wilma”;
$foo{barney} = “betty”;

You can also access slices of hashes in a manner similar to the list case:
@foo{“fred”,”barney”} = qw( wilma betty );

Hash Functions
The keys function returns a list of all the current keys for the hash in question.
@hashkeys = keys(%hash);

As with all other built-in functions, the parentheses are optional:
@hashkeys = keys %hash;

This is often used to iterate over all elements of a hash:
foreach $key (keys %hash) {
print $hash{$key}.”\n”;

In a scalar context, the keys function gives the number of elements in the hash. Conversely, the values function returns a list of all current values of the argument hash:
@hashvals = values(%hash);

The each function provides another means of iterating over the elements in a hash:
while (($key, $value) = each (%hash)) {

You can remove elements from a hash using the delete function:
delete $hash{‘key’};

PS_05_Perl - Indexed Arrays (Lists)

Indexed Arrays (Lists)

A list is an ordered set of scalar data. List names follow the same basic rules as for scalars. A reference to a list has the form @foo.

List literals
List literals consist of comma-separated values enclosed in parentheses:

A range can be represented using a list constructor function (such as “..”):
(1..9) = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
($a..$b) = ($a, $a+1, … , $b-1,$b)

In the case of string values, it can be convenient to use the “quote-word” syntax
@a = (“fred”,”barney”,”betty”,”wilma”);
@a = qw( fred barney betty wilma );

Accessing List Elements
List elements are subscripted by sequential integers, beginning with 0
$foo[5] is the sixth element of @foo

The special variable $#foo provides the index value of the last element of @foo. A subset of elements from a list is called a slice.
@foo[0,1] is the same as ($foo[0],$foo[1])

You can also access slices of list literals:
@foo = (qw( fred barney betty wilma ))[2,3]

List operators and functions
Many list-processing functions operate on the paradigm in which the list is a stack. The highest subscript end of the list is the “top,” and the lowest is the bottom.
push Appends a value to the end of the list
pop Removes the last element from the list (and returns it)
shift Removes the first element from the list (and returns it)
unshift Prepends a value to the beginning of the list
splice Inserts elements into a list at an arbitrary position

The reverse function reverses the order of the elements of a list
@b = reverse(@a);

The sort function sorts the elements of its argument as strings in ASCII order. You can also customize the sorting algorithm if you want to do something special.
@x = sort(@y);

The chomp function works on lists as well as scalars. When invoked on a list, it removes newlines (record separators) from each element of its argument.

Sunday 22 December 2013

PS_04_Perl - Control_Structures

Control Structures

Statement Blocks
A statement block is simply a sequence of statements enclose in curly braces:

Conditional Structures (If/elsif/else)
The basic construction to execute blocks of statements is the if statement. The if statement permits execution of the associated statement block if the test expression evaluates as true. It is important to note that unlike many compiled languages, it is necessary to enclose the statement block in curly braces, even if only one statement is to be executed.

The general form of an if/then/else type of control statement is as follows:
if (expression_one) {
} elsif (expression_two) {
} else {

For convenience, Perl also offers a construct to test if an expression is false:
unless (expression) {
} else {

Note that the order of the conditional can be inverted as well:
statement if (expression);
statement unless (expression);

The “ternary” operator is another nifty one to keep in your bag of tricks:
$var = (expression) ? true_value : false_value;

It is equivalent to:
if (expression) {
$var = true_value;
} else {
$var = false_value;

Perl provides several different means of repetitively executing blocks of statements.

The basic while loop tests an expression before executing a statement block
while (expression) {

The until loop tests an expression at the end of a statement block; statements will be executed until the expression evaluates as true.
until (expression) {

Do while
A statement block is executed at least once, and then repeatedly until the test expression is false.
do {
} while (expression);

Do until
A statement block is executed at least once, and then repeatedly until the test expression is true.
do {
} until (expression);

The for loop has three semicolon-separated expressions within its arentheses. These expressions function respectively for the initialization, the condition, and re-initialization expressions of the loop. The for loop
for (initial_exp; test_exp; reinit_exp) {

This structure is typically used to iterate over a range of values. The loop runs until the
test_exp is false.
for ($i; $i<10;$i++) {
print $i;

The foreach statement is much like the for statement except it loops over the elements of a list:
foreach $i (@some_list) {
If the scalar loop variable is omitted, $_ is used.

Any statement block can be given a label. Labels are identifiers that follow variable naming rules. They are placed immediately before a statement block and end with a colon:
You can short-circuit loop execution with the directives next and last:
· next skips the remaining statements in the loop and proceeds to the next iteration (if any)
· last immediately exits the loop in question
· redo jumps to the beginning of the block (restarting current iteration)
Next and last can be used in conjunction with a label to specify a loop by name. If the label is omitted, the presumption is that next/last refers to the innermost enclosing loop. Usually deprecated in most languages, the goto expression is nevertheless supported by Perl. It is usually used in connection with a label
goto LABEL;
to jump to a particular point of execution.

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Setting up a PXE boot server

Setting up a PXE boot server on a Linux Machine

0) The first thing to note is that you need to setup your own mini-network that is completely disconnected from the network, since part of this process requires setting up a DHCP server which could conflict with the corporate DHCP server if they were both running on the same network simultaneously. So get yourself a switch from IT up front. You do *NOT* need the switch immediately, so just put it aside until I mention it again
later on.

1) The next step is to choose a box to be the PXE boot server. This can really be any box at all, as long as you have a NIC in it that works reliably under Linux. For the purposes of this documentation, I'm going to assume that you've loaded Fedora Core 4 on this box (do that now, if you've not already). Get this box onto the network with DHCP (just like a normal installation).

2) Next you'll need to install the following packages (which ship with FC4 already, so if you did an 'everything' OS install, you should have them already. If not, you can install them easily with yum):

If you use yum to install them, then it will be generally alot easier:
yum install tftp-server dhcp httpd syslinux
answer Y to all dependency/installation questions.

3) Now you need to setup the DHCP server. With the FC4 RPM for dhcp, all you need to do is create /etc/dhcpd.conf with the following contents:

ddns-update-style interim;
subnet netmask {
default-lease-time 3600;
max-lease-time 4800;
option routers;
option domain-name-servers;
option subnet-mask;
option domain-name "";
option time-offset -8;

host llama0 {
hardware ethernet 04:4B:80:80:80:03;
option host-name "llama0";
filename "pxelinux.0";

In a nutshell, this sets up a DNS server that will assign IP address to your client box that has MAC address 04:4B:80:80:80:03 assigned to its PXE-boot capable NIC. Another thing to note is that we're reserving the private 192.168 subnet for this setup. The only thing you need to change in the above, is the MAC address to match that of the NIC on your client box.

4) Next you need to activate tftp within xinetd. All that is neccesary is to change disable=yes to disable=no in /etc/xinetd.d/tftp . Then restart xinetd. For future reference, the tftp RPM for FC4 stores its servable content under /tftpboot.

5) Now we need to setup your PXE server to use a static IP on the new private subnet. Create the file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0.static with the following contents:


6) Now we need to setup the PXE boot environment on the server. To do this, you need to have either the Linux distribution that you wish to install over PXE either in CD format, or all the content of the CDs available on the network.
On the first CD of every RH/FC distribution there is a subdirectory called 'isolinux'. In that directory you will find two files, vmlinuz and initrd.img. These are the kernel & initrd.img that the RH/FC bootable CDs use to get the installer (anaconda) booted for performing the installation. Copy both of those files into /tftpboot and make sure that they are world readable. If you are planning to allow more than one version/distribution to be PXE boot installable, then you should rename both files so that its clear that they are for whatever version/distribution they came from (such as vmlinuz-RHEL4, initrd-RHEL4).

Next, you need the actual pxe boot linux kernel (what is actually run immediately after your PXE boot client box gets a DHCP lease). In this case, that file is pxelinux.0, and is part of the syslinux RPM. For FC4, you can find it at /usr/lib/syslinux/pxelinux.0. Copy that file into /tftpboot and make sure that it is world readable.

7) Next we need to configure pxelinux. First create the directory /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg (and make it world readable). Inside that directory you need to create a number of zero size files (use touch):

The first 8 are the hex representation of the IP address that your PXE boot client will be assigned. The permutations allow a broader IP subnet to be searched first for matches. The last entry is the MAC address of your PXE boot client's NIC (with dashes substituted for the colons), with '01' pre-pended. The "01" at the front represents a hardware type of Ethernet, so pxelinux.0 see's the configuration string as an IP address.

8) Now create the default pxelinux configuration inside the new file
prompt 1
default linux
timeout 100

label linux
kernel vmlinuz
append initrd=initrd.img ramdisk_size=9216 noapic acpi=off

9) Now you need to put the full contents of your Linux distro (all CDs) somewhere on disk. I put it under /tftpboot/RHEL4U1. In order to allow for installation over HTTP (apache), edit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and add the following:
<Directory /tftpboot/RHEL4U1>
Options Indexes
AllowOverride None
Alias /linux /tftpboot/RHEL4U1

10) At this stage, you're ready to hook up the switch. You should have CAT5 running between the switch & the PXE boot server, and the client box.

11) On the PXE boot server, bring down your DHCP network connected eth0 (ifdown eth0), disconnect the CAT5 connected to the network, and plug in the cat5 connected to your private switch. Now bring up the static IP for the PXE server with (ifup eth0.static). You can verify that it came up successfully by verifying that you have IP address in ifconfig.

12) Now start dhcpd & apache and activate tftp by running the following:
service dhcpd start
service xinetd restart
service httpd start

and verify that they are all in your process list.

13) Plug the PXE client box's CAT5 into the switch, and verify that the NIC appears first in the BIOS boot order. (re)boot and you should get a DHCP lease, and start booting successfully off the network.

14) When you get into the RH/FC installer which asks you for the install method, choose HTTP. Fill in for the name, and 'linux' for the path, and you should be all set.

15) If you run into any problems, check /var/log/messages for errors (that's where all dhcp & tftp stuff will get logged). /var/log/httpd is where apache logs, but if you get that far, your problem is an apache configuration/setup issue, and not a PXE boot issue.