Monday, 23 December 2013

PS_05_Perl - Indexed Arrays (Lists)

Indexed Arrays (Lists)

A list is an ordered set of scalar data. List names follow the same basic rules as for scalars. A reference to a list has the form @foo.

List literals
List literals consist of comma-separated values enclosed in parentheses:

A range can be represented using a list constructor function (such as “..”):
(1..9) = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
($a..$b) = ($a, $a+1, … , $b-1,$b)

In the case of string values, it can be convenient to use the “quote-word” syntax
@a = (“fred”,”barney”,”betty”,”wilma”);
@a = qw( fred barney betty wilma );

Accessing List Elements
List elements are subscripted by sequential integers, beginning with 0
$foo[5] is the sixth element of @foo

The special variable $#foo provides the index value of the last element of @foo. A subset of elements from a list is called a slice.
@foo[0,1] is the same as ($foo[0],$foo[1])

You can also access slices of list literals:
@foo = (qw( fred barney betty wilma ))[2,3]

List operators and functions
Many list-processing functions operate on the paradigm in which the list is a stack. The highest subscript end of the list is the “top,” and the lowest is the bottom.
push Appends a value to the end of the list
pop Removes the last element from the list (and returns it)
shift Removes the first element from the list (and returns it)
unshift Prepends a value to the beginning of the list
splice Inserts elements into a list at an arbitrary position

The reverse function reverses the order of the elements of a list
@b = reverse(@a);

The sort function sorts the elements of its argument as strings in ASCII order. You can also customize the sorting algorithm if you want to do something special.
@x = sort(@y);

The chomp function works on lists as well as scalars. When invoked on a list, it removes newlines (record separators) from each element of its argument.

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