Saturday, 24 August 2013

Bash Scripting

BASH Scripting


We can perform testing on Strings, Files an integers

#which test ---> To know where it has been installed.

Integer testing:

In Unix 0 Good
1 Bad
In Boolean 0 False
1 True

# echo $? ---> To see previous command's excution status.
-eq == ---> Equal to
-ne != ---> Not equal to
-le <= ---> Less than or equal to
-ge >= ---> Greater than or equal to
-lt < ---> Less than
-gt > ---> Greater than
-nt ---> Newer than
-ot ---> Older than
-e ---> Exists


# tac ---> Inverse command of cat

Script 1. Bash script for translating Upper case filenames to lowercase.
GitHub Link

Script 2. Bash script for translating Upper case filenames to lowercase and rename a file.
GitHub Link

Command Chaining:
We can give number of commands at a time in a single line which are separated by";".
In this way we can execute commands one after one serially.

# clear ; pwd ; echo hello world

But in this way every command works independently. i.e. irrespective of the previous commands status.
If we want to use a command depending on the previous command's exit status we can use in the below way.

# ls -l && pwd

If the exit status of the first command is 0 the second command will run otherwise it won't.

# ls -z || pwd

If the exit status of the first command is 1 the second command will run because in unix ls command doesn't have anargument z so the first command is false.

&& ---> AND
|| ---> OR

# echo "Hello world"
Hello world

# echo "hello world $value"
hello world

# echo 'hello world $value'
hello world $value

Script 3: Interactive script
GitHub Link

Like "real" programming languages, Bash has functions, though in a somewhat limited implementation. A function is a subroutine, a code block that implements a set of operations, a "black box" that performs a specified task. Wherever there is repetitive code, when a task repeats with only slight variations in procedure, then consider using a function.

function function_name { 


function_name () {

This second form will cheer the hearts of C programmers (and is more portable).
As in C, the function's opening bracket may optionally appear on the second line.

function_name ()

Script 4: Functions
GitHub Link

loop is a block of code that iterates a list of commands as long as the loop control condition is true.

For Loops :
for argument in [ list ]
  do action item

Script 5: For Loop 1
GitHub Link

Script 6: For Loop 2
GitHub Link

While Loops:
while condition
  do action item

Script 7: While Loop
GitHub Link

Until Loops:
until condition
  do action item

Script 8: Until Loop 1

Script 9: Until Loop 2
GitHub Link

Control Structure:
As may be expected, the shell language contains many special features for working with filenames. It is thus very easy to create control structures based on the simple examples above that perform complex operations on files.
For example, it is trivial to write a for loop that will rename files to fit a certain pattern. Since the shell itself is evaluating the loop, the LIST can be a regular expressions just like those given to any other command.
This script adds the prefix "text-" to all files in the current directory whose names end with ".txt", and moves them to the "unix/" subdirectory:


      for file in *.txt; do
        mv $file text/unix-$file
But suppose we want to make sure no files get overwritten. This can be done with an if statement that tests for the existence of a file. The next script will do the same as the above, but also preserves any files that would have been lost by moving them to the "backup/" subdirectory:


      for file in *.txt; do
        if [ -e text/unix-$file ]; then
   mv text/unix-$file backup/unix-$file

        mv $file text/unix-$file

Script 10: Control Structure 1
GitHub Link

Script 11: Control Structure 2
GitHub Link

Script 12: Control Structure 3

Script 13: Control Structure 4
GitHub Link

Script 14: Control Structure 5
GitHub Link

Positional Parameters:
Special built-in environmental  variables are positional parameters which hold command-line arguments to positions with the names 1,2,3,4, etc. which are indicated by $1,$2,$3,$4, etc.  Argument $0 is the name of the script.

Script 15: Positional Parameters
GitHub Link

Select Menus:
The select construct allows easy menu generation. The syntax is quite similar to that of the for loop:

LIST is expanded, generating a list of items. The expansion is printed to standard error; each item is preceded by a number. If in LIST is not present, the positional parameters are printed, as if in $@ would have been specified. LIST is only printed once.

Upon printing all the items, the PS3 prompt is printed and one line from standard input is read. If this line consists of a number corresponding to one of the items, the value of WORD is set to the name of that item. If the line is empty, the items and the PS3 prompt are displayed again. If an EOF (End Of File) character is read, the loop exits. Since most users don't have a clue which key combination is used for the EOF sequence, it is more user-friendly to have a break command as one of the items. Any other value of the read line will set WORD to be a null string.

The read line is saved in the REPLY variable.

select var in "CHOICE1 CHOICE2"

Script 16: Select Menus 1
GitHub Link

Script 17: Select Menus 2

Move many files:

Script 18: Move many files 1

Script 19: Move many files 2
GitHub Link

Script 20: Monitor Service

Script 21: Script for FTP Synchronization

Create "ftpsynchronize.lftp" with the following text.
open -u <user>,<passwd> <remote hostname/IP>
cd temp2
lcd /root/temp2
mirror -Rn

Script 22: Backup Files
GitHub Link

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