Ruby on Rails Installation Process
We are using a Ubuntu machine for this installation and practice.
Install Ruby on Rails using "rbenv" on Ubtuntu:
- Install the required packages and pre-requisites:
sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install -y git gitk
sudo apt-get install -y gcc build-essential libpq-dev libssl-dev libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev zliblg-dev
- Clone the rbenv repository:
git clone git:// /GitHub/ruby/.rbenv
- Export the RECIPE PUPPY site with port to bashrc:
echo 'export' >> ~/.bashrc
- Export rbenv/bin:
echo 'export PATH="$PATH:/GitHub/ruby/.rbenv/bin"' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'eval "$(rbenv init .)"' >> ~/.bashrc
- Now clone the ruby-build repository:
git clone git:// /GitHub/ruby/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build
- Set path for this plugins directory:
echo 'export PATH="$PATH:/GitHub/ruby/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build/bin"' >> ~/.bashrc
- Now we need to source the bashrc as we have some entries into it.:
source ~/.bashrc
- Lets begin the installation now:
rbenv install -v 2.2.2
- Lets set the default version of Ruby:
rbenv global 2.2.2
ruby -v
- We need to stop the gems to generate local documentation:
echo "gem: --no-document" > ~/.gemrc
- Install the Ruby gem manager:
gem install bundler
- Install Rails:
gem install rails -v 4.2.3
- Now we need to rehash as it will let us to get command completion which relates to rails.
rbenv rehash
- Let us install some other packages which are needed in our practice
sudo apt-get install -y software-properties-common python-software-properties
- Now let us install some javascripts through a custom location
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js
sudo apt-get install -y node.js
sudo apt-get install -y bzip2
- Let us setup path for some ENV
echo 'export PHANTOM_JS="phantomjs-1.9.8-linux-x86-64"' >> ~/.bashrc
- Let us download and install the PhantomJS package:
cd /tmp
curl -L$PHANTOM_JS.tar.bz2 | tar -xjvf
sudo mv $PHANTOM_JS /usr/local/share
sudo ln -s /usr/local/share/$PHANTOM_JS/bin/phantomjs /usr/local/bin
phantomjs -v
- Install text editor:
curl | tar -xjf
sudo mv 'Sublime Text 2' /opt/SublimeText2
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/opt/SublimeText2' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
- Let us check all the versions now
git --version
phantomjs -v
ruby -v
rails -v
- Now let us create a rails applicationCreate a project directory and then create a application
mkdir /u01/ruby/projects &&cd /u01/ruby/projects
rails new test-install -q
NOTE: Here we are using -r to run this command in quite mode as it will produce lot of output.
- Now cd into the new rails application we have created and run the server
cd test-install ; rails server
- Let us check the application in the browser
- Now we have completed configuring ruby on rails.